Registration Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is there a discount for families with multiple children?
A. Yes.
$40.00 discount for third sibling registered.
$50.00 discount for fourth sibling and each additional sibling.
*Late fees are not included in the family discount.
Q. When do the soccer seasons take place?
A. The Fall season generally begins the first Saturday after Labor Day and the Spring season generally begins the first Saturday of April. Each season is approximately 9 weeks long (the Spring travel league season is generally 10 weeks long).
Q. What uniform/equipment does my child need to play?
A. All players are provided a uniform. All players must wear regulation shin pads. Soccer cleats are highly recommended. Cleats are not mandatory but if worn, must be soccer cleats.
Q. My child plays football and baseball. Can he use the same cleats for Soccer too.
A. No. Only Soccer Cleats are allowed to be worn.
Soccer Cleats Baseball Cleats Football Cleats

Q. What are the various team levels in WYS?
A. Recreational teams are Kindergarten (U6), Grade 1 (U7), Grade 2 (U8), Grades 3&4 (U10) and Grades 5&6 (U12). These teams play only other WYS recreational teams mostly at the Joyce Middle School soccer fields on Locust Street. Some games are played at Ryan Park on Russell St.
Travel teams are part of the Middlesex Youth Soccer League (MYSL), which consists of 23 cities and towns in Middlesex County. Travel teams are more competitive than the recreational teams. Players are required to attend tryouts, and if selected, attend practices and games based on the Travel Commitment Understanding Agreement. Usually, half of the games during the 9 week Fall season and 9 week Spring season are played at the Joyce fields. The spring season consists of post-season play for the Division 1 and 2 top teams to determine a winner to advance to the State Tournament. The spring season consists of post-season play for Divisions 3 and 4 in the MYSL tournament.
The following Travel age groups participate in the Essex County Youth Soccer League:
Fall season: G4 (Grades 3&4), G6 (Grades 5&6), G8 (Grades 7&8)
Spring season: G4 (Grades 3&4), G6 (Grades 5&6), G8 (Grades 7&8), G11 (Grades 9&10&11), PG (Grades 12&13)
Q. How and when will I find out what team my child is on?
A. The coach for your child’s team will contact you by phone and email 1 – 2 weeks after teams have been selected. Team selection usually takes place two months before the season starts. Travel team notifications are usually made the end of June after the travel tryouts.
Q. How do I determine what age group my child will play in?
A. Under the new US Soccer player calendar year age group labels, Mass Youth Soccer now allows each League to substitute the age groups with grade groups. The grade groups are determined based on the School Grades. Players only change grade groups in the Fall Season.
Kindergartin Spring only.
G1 (Grade 1)
G2 (Grade 2)
G4 (Grades 3 and 4)
G6 (Grades 5 and 6)
G8 (Grades 7 and 8)
G11 (Grades 9, 10 and 11) Spring only.
PG (Grades 12 and 13) Spring only.
Q. Is it possible for my child to play outside their age group?
A. Not usually. Requests to play up or down on rosters outside of the players eligibility must be submitted to the registrar in writing and approved by the Board. These requests are usually based on unusual circumstances.
Q. Where are the games played?
A. All K-G8 games, most G4 – G8 games and all home games for Travel teams are played at the Joyce Soccer Fields on Locust Street. Some G4 games are played at Ryan Field on Russell Street. Games are typically played on Saturdays. There are some exceptions for makeup games and scheduled games to be played on a weeknight at 5:30 or 6:00pm.
Q. Is it possible to play for more than 1 Woburn team?
A. No.
Q. Can I request to be placed on a particular team?
A. Special requests can be made on the registration form, however, WYS does not guarantee placement on a specific team. Recreational league rosters are selected by coaches with an emphasis on competitive balance. Travel rosters are selected based on tryout results and player evaluations.
Q. Im not sure that I want to play travel soccer. Should I still try-out?
A. You should only try-out for travel soccer if you intend to play. It is very difficult, and sometimes not possible, to replace players on travel rosters if somebody drops out.
Q. What do I need to register online?
A. Parents or legal guardians can register online with a credit card or a PayPal account. Parents who wish to participate as adult volunteers (coaches, referees, board members, etc.) must enter their date of birth.
Q. What if I can’t register online?
A. We usually have a walk-in registration at a location with several computers for those without computer access. We also have mail in forms available at the concession stand at the Joyce Soccer fields.
Q. My family has just moved to Woburn and wed like to sign up for soccer but have missed the registration deadline. Are we still subject to the late fees?
A. Not usually. New residents to Woburn are not subject to the late registration fee. However, as in any registration received after the deadline, there is no guarantee of placement on a team.
Q. My child will not be able to play in the upcoming season but is registered. Am I eligible for a refund?
A. WYS will only grant refunds to players under the following circumstances:
-Medical reason
-Relocation out of town
-Approval of special circumstances by the Board of Directors
Q. How can I get more information about your program?
A. The “About Us” tab lists the names and email addresses of all board members. You can send your questions via email.